Add to delicious delicious 0digg 57305851 resized 600For years, body mass index (BMI) has been the most common way of measuring body fat. Calculated by multiplying weight (in pounds) by 705 and then dividing by the person’s height (in inches) squared, BMI has come under some scrutiny by medical professionals because it excludes factors such as body composition and muscle mass. As a result, a muscular person may incorrectly be considered obese by traditional calculations. That’s why some researchers are now using waist to height ratio, as they believe it may be a simpler and more accurate way to measure a person’s body fat, as well as diagnosing health risk. If the ratio of your waist circumference to height is less than one-half, you are considered to be at a healthy weight. If it is more, you are at increased risk of developing health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, or cardiovascular problems. "Keeping your waist circumference to less than half your height can help increase life expectancy for every person in the world," says researcher Margaret Ashwell, PhD, of Ashwell Associates, in Hertfordshire, England. What can you do? Figure out your waist to height ratio by using a measuring tape to find your height and waist circumference in inches. If your waist is larger than half of your height, consult with your physician for a health evaluation and plan the next steps, including adopting a healthier diet and exercise plan.

Do you patronize alternative medicine than conventional medicine? Alternative medicine therapy is getting more popular by each day because it is more organic than conventional medicine. But what makes alternative medicine in demand worldwide?
Alternative Medicine Therapies are very diverse and is often divided into categories. This is the reason why alternative medicine therapy is often misinterpreted or confusing to identify. Like conventional medicine, alternative medicine therapy also involves supplements (vitamins, herbal), physical wellness (massage, yoga) and body manipulation (chiropractic, massage). 

Is alternative medicine therapy effective?

alternative medicine therapy
Like other treatments, alternative medicine's effectiveness depends on the type of therapy and the health condition of the patient. Also, since alternative therapy is more on herbal and body massages, responses to this type of treatment may differ from person to person. 
A good example in identifying the effectiveness is the type of therapy used. For example, most people may experience body manipulation and physical wellness as much more effective therapy but some people may be in favor for herbal supplements. Depending on your body's response mechanism lies the effectiveness of the three types of alternative medicine therapy.
Can you identify which types of alternative medicine therapy is ideal for you? Well, the first thing to consider is the safety of the therapy, your health condition and if that specific therapy has worked for people with the same case as yours. If you are considering herbal supplements, you need to use only the most natural and organic products to ensure its effectiveness and safety. Plus, organic supplements doesn't often have side effects. 
What will your doctor say about Alternative Medicine Therapy?
Physicians are not really a big fan of alternative medicine therapy. First off, this type of therapy is somewhat in contrast in conventional medicine's principles. Plus, alternative medicine are not yet proven and never been researched thoroughly to be included in the medical practices. Herbal supplements may react negatively with your traditional medications so physicians are well against this issues.
The other reasons why some physicians are against alternative therapy is that, most products and services that involves in alternative medicine are focused on "multi-level marketing" style of business, which means that herbal products are more into getting rich than its actual health benefits. Not to mention that physicians don't get any commissions if they recommend alternative medicine treatments. Plus, it will also put their career on the line if ever alternative medicine therapy fails to work for their patients. 
Although most doctors are against this type of treatment, there are still some physicians that do recommend alternative medicine therapy treatment, in conjunction with conventional medicine. So it is wise to first consult your doctor before any application of alternative medicine therapy.
If you happen to know and trust a specific alternative medicine therapy products or services that you think will benefit your health condition, make sure not to over rule your doctor's advise and make sure to consult a herbal practitioner first. Although more and more people are getting into alternative medicine treatments, it is not wise to just take any type of alternative medicine therapy just because its effective for other people. Remember that alternative medicine therapy's effectiveness depends on case to case basis. This is the reason why it is termed as "Alternative" medicine.


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