We all know that illegal drugs has too many bad effects to health. But there are still many people who take different illegal drugs despite the dangers it possess to one's health. Governments all over the world are doing everything in their power to eliminate this kind of crime but the problem still persist to exist until today.
What is the real objective why people take drugs? Most people are taking illegal drugs to escape from personal problems, enhance entertainment and to satisfy their curiosity through the excitement that drugs offer. People never understand the danger of using this substances and once they knew, its already too late.
Understanding the facts about drugs can help you avoid its health risks and prevent drug addiction. First, below are the list of illegal drugs that you should avoid for life.
- Marijuana (derived from Cannabis plant)
- Cocaine (derived from Coca plant)
- Ecstasy (MDMA)
- Opium (derived from Poppy plant)
- Meth

Drugs are designed to improve health and treat disease, but there are people who use drugs for other purposes. This is where these illegal drugs come in. Once this substances enter your bloodstream, it will be transported into different parts of the body such as your brain. And since the brain controls everything, these drugs can manipulate or alter your memory into something you cannot control, and may require the help of Chemical Dependancy Rehabilitation. It also takes away your different senses such as resistance to pain.
The effects of these drugs varies from different reasons and can be helpful or harmful to human body. The factors includes how often the drugs was used, how quickly it reaches the brain, how much is taken and depending on the kind of drug that was taken. Body size or mass also contributes on how harmful drugs can be to the body.
Teens are more prone to this type of substances because of the curiosity and other factors such as family or school problems. Teenage period is the start of vices like alcohol, smoking tobacco and illegal drugs. Drugs can ultimately damage their over all health especially their brain if they continue to do this bad habits. This is the reason why many teens nowadays are involved into many habits such as drunk driving and unwanted pregnancy.
Aside from curiosity, people sniff drugs because of the pleasure it brings. Others using it to escape mental illnesses such as depression. People often feel relax and good with these substances that is why they even suggest it to others rather than to stop doing it.
Others also think that drugs can help them mentally in school or at work. Some believe that it makes them more popular, make them stay more active and improve their performance in any activities. Few used drugs just to gain attention from parents or friends. There are a lot of reasons why people take drugs, but none of them seems so reasonable enough to consider this habit beneficial to health in any way.
Drugs is a health damaging habit. Below are its bad effects.
- Effective stimulant.
- Loses mental judgment and coordination
- Mental disorders (depression and anxiety)
- Addictiveness (physical, emotional and psychological cravings)
- Blood poisoning
- Cardiac arrest (speeds up heart beat and increases blood pressure)
- Breathing problems
- Hallucinations or intense paranoia
- Hepatitis and AIDS (when sharing needle injection)
- Nasal infection (snorting effect)
- Aggression (sudden intense feeling)
- Immediate death
Illegal drugs must be avoided at all cost. Never involve yourself to this kind of activities in work, school or within your neighborhood. Choose the people you have to socialize in and avoid those who you think posts some risks. Consult your doctor if you are obliged to take depressants and antihistamine drugs. These drugs can also be addictive and health damaging. Remember to love yourself and your family, stay away from this illegal drugs and live life clean and healthy!
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