The Danger Of Having A Night Shift Job
Recent press release by the Malacanang Palace was that many of our fellow Filipino citizens are getting sick from jobs that are said to be graveyard shifts. The Department of Health has issued various recommendations and guidelines to companies that offers such schedule.
People who work in call centers, hospitals and other fields that requires night shift work are in higher risks of getting various serious illnesses. A self-confessed call center agent revealed that aside from the security of tenor issues, her health was totally abused and her immune system had gone down since her employment to the said call center company.
Her scheduled duty was from 8pm up to 6am. She told a local television network here in Manila that she is doing fine with the company, she even got promoted as lead agent. But as years pass by, various body illnesses had started to occur such as asthma, pneumonia and the severely painful carpal tunnel syndrome.
Her doctor advised her that the illnesses are all work related and added that she is much more fortunate because others tend to have much more serious diseases such as cancers and cirrhosis of the liver.
Below are the most common body disorders that are caused by sleep deprivation.
- Tumors
- Cancers (breast for women are more frequent)
- Headache
- Stress
- Allergies
- Respiratory illnesses
- Pneumonia
- Anxiety
- Liver disorders (Cirrhosis / fatty liver)
- Eye problems
- Back problems
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Kidney problems
- Cardiovascular diseases
Philippine government especially the Department of Health are doing all necessary actions to help its citizens achieve better health in any working environment. They are now talking to various companies that are implementing night shift jobs and hopefully come up with better solutions on how to prevent these health risks.
So if you have other alternative options for your career, it is better to steer away from night shift types of jobs as this will add more risks to your health. Get the best ideal work for yourself that will be much more beneficial to your health plus, you will be having more time with your family.
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