Do You Drink Soy Milk?
Have you tasted a soy milk? Soy milk is made from a combination of grinded soy beans and water, thus producing a very delicious and nutritious "milk" like product. Soy Milk is a relatively new beverage that are now becoming famous because of its health benefits. More and more people are now enjoying the great taste of this product compared to traditional cow's milk. Unknown to many, soy milks provides more health benefits than any of your regular beverages.
First benefit is that, soy milk contains vegetable proteins which helps the prevention of calcium loss through the kidneys. This is highly beneficial if you are a meat lover, because animal protein constitutes to a higher risks of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.
Next is weight gain prevention. Soy milk is proven low in sugar content than the traditional milk products. A whole glass of soy milk only contains 7 grams of sugar compared to 12 grams of cow's milk. As you know, less sugar means less calorie content, which means that soy milk contains less calories. In addition to that, the monounsaturated fatty acids found in soy milk can help boost intestinal absorption of fats, a big reason why soy milk can contribute on your weight loss regimen.
Soy milk is also lactose free, thus giving you peace of mind with regards to lactose intolerance. Plus, soy milk is rich in prebiotic sugars stachyose and raffinose, compounds that boosts immune system and helps flush out toxic substances in the body.
The phytochemicals and both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in soy milk, can effectively protect the blood vessels from lesions and hemorrhage. The said compounds binds together into the blood vessel lining which helps defend the outer layer cells from free radical invasions and bad cholesterol deposits.
Soy milk is also known to be the beverage that have least number of allergic cases compared to other milk products and beverages. This means that soy milk is a completely safe drink for those people with high allergic reactions.
Do you have problems with your cholesterol? Soy milk is a proven alternative remedy that helps lower blood cholesterol and increase your good cholesterol levels. Proteins in cow's milk has relatively no benefits for cholesterol, but instead it contains saturated fats that are completely unhealthy and will increase your cholesterol. Soy protein meanwhile has low saturated fat content which constitutes to a more balanced cholesterol levels, thus resulting to a more healthy heart.
Soy milk contains no synthetic hormone compounds which is a big issue with regards to traditional milk products that are said to contain rBGH or recombinant bovine growth hormone. So soy milk is a very safe beverage.
It is also said that soy milk helps prevents post menopausal syndrome. How? Through phytoestrogen content of soy. The sudden lost of estrogen for postmenopausal women can be solve thru taking soy-rich products such as soy milk.
Lastly, soy are rich in isoflavones that helps contain cholesterol levels and reducing the risks of various cancers such as prostate and breast cancers. Cow's milk doesn't have isoflavones while soy milk contains up to 20mg each glass.
In summary, I am not recommending you to take out milk entirely on your regular diet. Instead, it is much wiser to incorporate soy milk for much more optimum health and fitness.
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