Health Risks Of Painkiller Addiction
Any type of addiction is harmful to the body in both physical, mental and emotional aspects. Since the word addiction is accompanied in various circumstances, we often see this word negatively in nature. How can we really identify if a person is addicted or not? Today, we will discuss the nature of painkiller addiction and its corresponding health risks.
Addiction is mostly defined as a habit or activity that is uncontrollable in nature. Having difficulty to cease control of your cravings for example can be considered as addiction to foods, watching porn as porn addiction, cigarettes to smoking, opiates for opiates addiction and so on and so forth. Obviously, addiction can affect the mental and emotional side of a human being, making it so difficult to overcome.
So lets talk about the more common, very popular and lethal type of addiction, the painkillers. Often used as a dependable drugs to give relief to pain, headache and other types of sickness, painkillers are often used inappropriately and not as prescribed by their physicians. Illegal or abusive use of painkillers has many health side effects.
Most researchers and studies in the US proves that people who frequently uses painkillers have different behaviors and aggressive attitudes. The ignorance and lack of knowledge of most people who are considered painkiller dependents are ignoring all the potential health risks involved with regards to the over consumption of these drugs.
What is more alarming is that, even the youth are getting highly dependent on various over the counter painkiller drugs. Because most of these drugs are cheap and easily available, teenagers can acquire painkiller with less difficulty. Painkillers can get an individual very high, making it one of the biggest problem every government are facing today.
Most people who are considered addicts are often caused by overly getting dependent on painkillers in both physical and mental stress or sickness. Experts also suggest that people who are suffering from fear of suffering pain are more prone in becoming addicts because of the high probability of painkiller dependency. Even if a sickness gets completely cured, people will still take painkillers because they feel that the pain will still re-occur.
Some of the known health risks for painkiller addiction are the following.
Addiction is mostly defined as a habit or activity that is uncontrollable in nature. Having difficulty to cease control of your cravings for example can be considered as addiction to foods, watching porn as porn addiction, cigarettes to smoking, opiates for opiates addiction and so on and so forth. Obviously, addiction can affect the mental and emotional side of a human being, making it so difficult to overcome.
So lets talk about the more common, very popular and lethal type of addiction, the painkillers. Often used as a dependable drugs to give relief to pain, headache and other types of sickness, painkillers are often used inappropriately and not as prescribed by their physicians. Illegal or abusive use of painkillers has many health side effects.
Most researchers and studies in the US proves that people who frequently uses painkillers have different behaviors and aggressive attitudes. The ignorance and lack of knowledge of most people who are considered painkiller dependents are ignoring all the potential health risks involved with regards to the over consumption of these drugs.
What is more alarming is that, even the youth are getting highly dependent on various over the counter painkiller drugs. Because most of these drugs are cheap and easily available, teenagers can acquire painkiller with less difficulty. Painkillers can get an individual very high, making it one of the biggest problem every government are facing today.
Most people who are considered addicts are often caused by overly getting dependent on painkillers in both physical and mental stress or sickness. Experts also suggest that people who are suffering from fear of suffering pain are more prone in becoming addicts because of the high probability of painkiller dependency. Even if a sickness gets completely cured, people will still take painkillers because they feel that the pain will still re-occur.
Some of the known health risks for painkiller addiction are the following.
- increase risks of heart attack
- increase risk of developing cancer
- higher risks of liver disorders
- higher tendency of mood changes
- gives stress and anxiety
- aggressive behavior
Sudden withdrawal of
painkiller will also cause minor health conditions such as cold sweats, restlessness, muscle and bone pain, diarrhea and insomnia. These withdrawal symptoms are often triggered because the body has already adapted to drug abuse, thus changing can have an adverse effect on health.
To avoid this type of addiction, you have to follow your doctor's prescription and advise on how to properly use drugs. If there are side effects, talk to your doctor immediately to make necessary adjustments on your medicinal requirements. You physician knows best for you and you should follow all the instructions to the letter to avoid any misconception on the proper use of pain killers.
Painkiller addiction is more of a mental condition and does not require any medicinal treatment. Proper health care and knowledge about these drugs should be given precisely to all patients who are in need of painkillers. Therapies are widely available to support and properly treat your medicinal abusive behaviors. Talk to your doctor if you think you are already a painkiller addict.
To avoid this type of addiction, you have to follow your doctor's prescription and advise on how to properly use drugs. If there are side effects, talk to your doctor immediately to make necessary adjustments on your medicinal requirements. You physician knows best for you and you should follow all the instructions to the letter to avoid any misconception on the proper use of pain killers.
Painkiller addiction is more of a mental condition and does not require any medicinal treatment. Proper health care and knowledge about these drugs should be given precisely to all patients who are in need of painkillers. Therapies are widely available to support and properly treat your medicinal abusive behaviors. Talk to your doctor if you think you are already a painkiller addict.
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