Is L-Carnitine Beneficial To Our Health?

Is L-Carnitine Beneficial To Our Health? 

L-Carnitine is a famous word popular on its weight loss capability. We see this mineral in most drink beverages that practically promotes good health and weight loss. But do we really know what L-Carnitine is? Do you really believe that it can help you lose weight? Below is a detailed information about this buzzing nutritional supplement.

L-carnitine is derived from lysine and methionine amino acids. Its main purpose is for fatty acid oxidation which is responsible for burning unwanted fats. Carnitine was originally found as a growth factor for mealworms and labeled as vitamin BT.

Below are the known benefits of L-Carnitine to our body.
  1. It has antioxidant effect. Carnitine provides a protective effect against lipid peroxidation of phospholipid membranes.
  2. Used for various heart conditions. Study shows that L-carnitine helps in reducing chest pain and helps reduce medication treatment for angina.
  3. It has good effects on diabetic patients. L-carnitine can improve glucose disposal for diabetic patients.
  4. Recommended to people with kidney problems. Since kidneys produce carnitine, kidney troubled patients have deficiency in carnitine nutrients. Supplements of carnitine can help patients to improve their kidney conditions.
  5. Effective in male infertility. L-carnitine can improve sperm quantity for males.
  6. As a weight loss supplement.
l-carnatine health benefits
Interestingly, sources of -L-carnitine can be found in meats rather than in plants. A high content of L-carnitine can be found in red meats while a mere less gram can be found in vegetables such as carrots and asparagus.
Other sources of this nutrient can be found in energy drinks and other health products that are sold in the market. L-carnitine is not just for weight loss but as an energy booster. Take lots of this nutrient to support your daily active lives.


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