Hyperacidity in children creates big confusion between many stomach and bowel movement conditions. Diarrhea, stomach pain, constipation and many others are often misdiagnosed or linked in having hyperacidity in children. Since children hardly identifies the exact symptoms they are experiencing, this leads hyperacidity getting mistreated.
What are the causes of hyperacidity? Stress can help release too much acid in the stomach which causes hyperacidity. Foods that are spicy and acidic can all cause this condition. Too much alcohol can certainly increase acid in the stomach which can also result to hyperacidity. However, food intake and stress are both the highest contributor of this disease in children.
Hyperacidity in children makes them extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient every time this condition attacks. In adults, antacids can greatly treat this condition but there are no available antacids for children to date. So how do you deal with hyperacidity in your child?
First, you have to determine if your child is really suffering from hyperacidity and not from other diseases. Consult a pediatrician or gastroenterologist to get exact diagnosis of your child. Once determined as hyperacidity, it is wise to change your child's diet and avoid the foods that can cause this disease.
Next is to prevent stress as much as possible. Identify the things that triggers stress to your child. You need to carefully make adjustments in your child's daily routine to avoid the things that you think are probable causes of stress.
Drinking a lot of liquid can greatly help prevent hyperacidity. Never serve them with iced tea or any sodas but instead give them clean tap water for their meal. Also, children are required to have enough rest which can also aid the uncomfortable feeling of hyperacidity.
These home remedies are very easy to apply to your child. You have to explain to them thoroughly about their stomach condition so that they can understand how to take care of health by themselves. By doing this, you are giving your big love to your children by giving them proper health care and important information about their health conditions.
What are the causes of hyperacidity? Stress can help release too much acid in the stomach which causes hyperacidity. Foods that are spicy and acidic can all cause this condition. Too much alcohol can certainly increase acid in the stomach which can also result to hyperacidity. However, food intake and stress are both the highest contributor of this disease in children.
Hyperacidity in children makes them extremely uncomfortable and inconvenient every time this condition attacks. In adults, antacids can greatly treat this condition but there are no available antacids for children to date. So how do you deal with hyperacidity in your child?
Next is to prevent stress as much as possible. Identify the things that triggers stress to your child. You need to carefully make adjustments in your child's daily routine to avoid the things that you think are probable causes of stress.
Drinking a lot of liquid can greatly help prevent hyperacidity. Never serve them with iced tea or any sodas but instead give them clean tap water for their meal. Also, children are required to have enough rest which can also aid the uncomfortable feeling of hyperacidity.
These home remedies are very easy to apply to your child. You have to explain to them thoroughly about their stomach condition so that they can understand how to take care of health by themselves. By doing this, you are giving your big love to your children by giving them proper health care and important information about their health conditions.
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