LASIK or Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis is a refractive type of surgery designed for correcting eye disorders such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Many ophthalmologists recommend LASIK treatment because it uses laser technology which provides faster recovery for patients and a viable alternative to wearing glasses or contact lenses.
This method of eye treatment was first developed in the 1950's by Spanish ophthalmologist Jose Barraquer. He developed the first microkeratome as well as the technique used to cut thin flaps around the cornea and how it can be reshaped. Doctor Barraquer called this medical procedure as keratomileusis.
After Dr. Barraquer's great contribution to eye treatment research, a more technical advancements are developed in USSR around the 1970's which was headed by Svytoslay Fyodorov. He developed radial keratotomy (RK) procedure and in 1983, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) was introduced by Dr. Steven Trokel.
The actual refractive laser eye surgery began in 1980 and was based on Rangaswamy Srinivasan's research work. He discovered that an ultraviolet excimer laser could achieve precise cutting in the living tissue without thermal damage to the surrounding area. This method was first introduced by Dr. Trokel for corrective measure in eye treatment.
Since then, LASIK technique was successfully applied in many countries and was later approved by the US government in 1989. Laser helps reshape or change the surface of the cornea, this was called PRK.
If you are suggested to undergo LASIK treatment, you have to stop wearing contact lenses for 5 up to 21 days before surgery. Ophthalmologist will examine your corneas using pachymeter to assess its thickness while a topographer produce a topographic map of the cornea. This method can also detect astigmatism and other cornea irregularities.
From this simple examinations, the surgeon studies the amount of corneal tissue that has to be removed during the operation as well as its precise location. Patients are required to take antibiotics before operation to lessen the risks of any types of infections after the procedure.
Most patients who have undergone this type of eye treatment are mostly satisfied with the results. Most cases shows great eye vision improvement and others achieve full eye vision correction.
Today, LASIK eye surgery is now mostly available worldwide. Ophthalmologists highly recommends this technique because of its success rate in correcting eye problems as well as its fast recovery benefits. If you want your eyes to be examined by an eye doctor, visit your local ophthalmologist today which can help you with your eye problem through correct diagnosis and suitable treatment options.
Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!
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