Natural Remedies For Back Pain

Back pain is a common problem for most adults especially women. The ache can be caused by various symptoms and depends on your lifestyles. Women in particular suffers back ache more often than men because of wrong posture, high heels and pregnancy.
So what are the practical and natural remedies for back pain? We all know that our bodies need calcium in order to strengthen our bones. This only means that we need calcium-rich foods to help support our spine and for back pain prevention. Below are some of the natural remedies that can help aid your back ache.

Flexibility Training
flexibility training
Flexibility training or commonly known as stretching exercises are routines that helps relieve back pain. It trains the body to maintain good posture all the time. Getting physically flexible can make our joints, muscles and bones to develop a sturdy qualities especially in the spine area. Other exercises like Yoga, and dancing can actually help give you back pain relief.

Green-leafy Vegetables
green leafy vegetables

Dark-green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli and other leafy vegetables helps calcium deposits in the bones that makes them denser. This is not possible without vitamin K which is also found on these foods. 
Vitamin D-rich Foods
vitamin D
Back pain are more commonly caused by muscle pain which is a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin can be acquired through sunlight exposure, fish foods and cereals.
Massage Therapy
massage therapy
Massage therapy is the first thing that comes to your mind if you are experiences any type of body ache. Back pain is caused by sub-acute and chronic pain which can be relieved by a soothing body and back massage. 

Acupuncture therapy is one of the oldest form of body treatment in the world made famous by the Chinese people. Various studies proves that this therapy helps relieve low back pain as well as other chronic muscle pains. 

Breathing Meditation
breathing technique

Breathing technique or simply known as meditation involves  the connection of mind and body that helps reduce all types of pain. You can apply a breathing technique at the comfort of your own home to help relieve your back pain.
These natural remedies can help you with your back problem. It is also important to consider other factors that triggers back pain like your type of work, your heavy bags, your bed and many others. If you think you know the source of your back pain, then it is important to at least lessen that habit or totally avoid that endeavor to prevent back pain.


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